Through our local, state, and federal incentive programs, the Town of Mancos works with businesses considering a location or expansion in our beautiful valley.
Mancos Business Incentives
The Town of Mancos supports development and offers incentives for relocating, expanding and new businesses which can include:
- Façade and beautification mini-grant
- Share of sidewalk repair/construction costs
- Waive sign permits, off street parking requirements, and other fees.
Have questions regarding these incentives or other business support programs, please contact our Economic Development Coordinator.
*All incentives are subject to government approval.
Montezuma County
Montezuma County and its communities value businesses both existing and new, in particular those that pay a livable wage allowing residents a high quality of life and bring or create at least 5 new jobs. Areas of priority include manufacturing, warehousing, or value-added agriculture. Montezuma County incentives include:
- Waiving or reducing high impact, driveway permits fees
- The Montezuma County Hospital District assesses just a .4% sales tax. Montezuma County does not assess a sales tax at this time.
The Town of Mancos is a designated Rural Jumpstart area – The Rural Jump-Start program provides tax relief to new businesses and new hires of these businesses that locate in Mancos, align with regional state higher education institutions, and provide a unique product or service in the region. Cortez and Montezuma County are also participants.
The Business Foundations Technical Assistance Program provides technical assistance and small grants to Colorado small businesses to help businesses legally establish themselves. The program provides 3 training sessions and a small reimbursable grant of up to $1,200 per business to help apply the training.
Montezuma County is a participant in the C-PACE program. C-PACE enables owners of commercial and industrial buildings to finance up to 100% of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation eligible improvements through their property tax assessment. Financing is provided by private capital providers at competitive rates with repayment terms up to 25 years. This provides the money up front for businesses to make the improvements and allows for payback while the business is already seeing the energy benefits.
Offers a variety of incentives to businesses expanding into the State and several rural business programs. Those most relevant are provided below.
Through EZ designation, an additional benefit is any city, county or special district within an Enterprise Zone is authorized to negotiate with individual taxpayers who have qualifying new business facilities:
- an incentive payment or property tax credit equal to not more than the amount of the increase in property tax liability over pre-enterprise zone levels; and
- a refund of local sales taxes on purchases of equipment, machinery, machine tools, or supplies used in the taxpayer’s business in the enterprise zone.
Grants are for companies that are relocating to or expanding in Colorado and provide funds only to net new hires. Existing Industry grants focus on providing assistance to established Colorado companies in order to remain competitive within their industry, adapt to new technology and prevent layoffs.
Jointly administered with History Colorado for owners of designated commercial properties that do a certified rehabilitation of their property.
The Colorado Employee Ownership Grant is available to Colorado-headquartered small businesses to pay for the reimbursement of professional technical services required to transition your business to become a Colorado Employee Owned Company.
This is a financial assistance program for aspiring and current Colorado exporters. The grant program supports eligible small and medium-sized business through funds to offset international business development and marketing costs.
The performance-based Location Neutral Employment, formerly Remote Rural Work, incentive provides a standard Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit for urban/rural job creation with an additional Strategic Fund cash incentive for each remote rural job created in an eligible rural county.
Colorado provides industry-specific tax relief from the Colorado Sales and Use tax to promote economic development.
The Colorado Enterprise Zone (EZ) program is a program that encourages job creation and capital investment in targeted economic areas. The program provides a variety of tax credits to businesses and non-profit projects to promote and encourage economic development activities. All of Montezuma County is an Enhanced Enterprise Zone through 2022. More information can be found at Enterprise Zone Program – Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade. There are 10 different credits and all of Montezuma County, Dolores, San Juan and parts of La Plata and Archuleta are in the Enterprise Zone.
Through EZ designation, an additional benefit is any city, county or special district within an Enterprise Zone is authorized to negotiate with individual taxpayers who have qualifying new business facilities:
- an incentive payment or property tax credit equal to not more than the amount of the increase in property tax liability over pre-enterprise zone levels; and
- a refund of local sales taxes on purchases of equipment, machinery, machine tools, or supplies used in the taxpayer’s business in the enterprise zone.
Funding to accelerate commercialization and innovation of advanced industry products and services by building capacity and workforce for the advanced industries ecosystem. The application for this grant is open twice a year in the spring and fall.
Provides assistance to Colorado companies operating in seven advanced industries the opportunity to receive capital from investors.
This program is committed to improving the quality of life for Colorado’s forest products producers, consumers, and forest users, and is the leading statewide authority on wood products and biomass utilization for businesses, communities, state and local governments, and natural resource organizations. Contact
Funding to support companies using technologies developed in proof of concept grants and other early stage start-ups that have created viable products that meet a market need and that can be created or manufactured in Colorado and exported globally.
A performance-based program for businesses pursuing job creation projects that are competing with at least one other state and where the incentive is a major factor in the decision.
Funding to identify and pull technologies from research institutions where they were discovered and connect them to the private sector where they can be developed into products for commercialization.
This program is the first state driven initiative in the nation to develop affordable housing and workspaces for artists and art organizations. Designed to position Colorado as the leader in artist-led community transformation in rural communities.
A performance-based program designed to encourage recruitment, retention and economic growth through Colorado that have created and maintained permanent net new jobs for one year.
Financial assistance for aspiring and current Colorado exporters entering into a new international market. This program supports small and medium-sized business through grant funds to offset international business development and marketing costs.
HUB Zones – All of Montezuma County is a designated HUB Zone. Designation is reviewed every five years. HUBZone is a United States Small Business Administration (SBA) program for small companies that operate and employ people in Historically Underutilized Business Zones. The HUBZone program was created by the US Congress in 1998.[1] Based on the Act, small businesses will be designated as HUBZone certified if they have the following criteria:
- The firm must be a small business based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)[2] for size standards.
- The business must be at least 51% owned and controlled by U.S. citizens, or a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative, or an Indian tribe (including Alaska Native Corporations).[3]
- The firm's principal office (the location where the greatest number of employees perform their work, excluding contract sites) must be in a HUBZone.
- 35% of the firm's total workforce must reside in a HUBZone. On average, about 3,000 entities register for HUBZone certification each year.